Wednesday, July 15, 2009

APUSH -- Week 1

Week 1 involves three tasks:
1. Tell everyone something unique about you.
2. What us one thing you would like to learn about this year?
3. Why did you choose to take AP US History?


Stephanie said...

1) Something unique about me is that when I first meet someone I look at their ears,eyes,hands,feet,nose,and teeth. If I don't like one of those things I will stare at it until I get used to it.
2)Something I would like to learn this year is how to memorize all of the U.S. presidents. I honestly think that would be beneficial to me in college perhaps.
3)I chose to take APUSH because I wanted to get a jumpstart on college. And I feel that by getting an early start on college I will be able to get job quicker.

Anonymous said...

This is !!MAYNARD:)
1) What is something unique about me? Um, I really don't think I have anything special about me... I guess I would have to say that I'm a planner. I'm one of those wierd people that think they have to have a set schedule and list to function.
2) I would like to learn about the Cold War because it's an era in time that I don't really know anything about.
3) I chose to take an AP class just to simply challenge myself, and to push myself to learn at my upmost. I also felt, when choosing this class, that it would be benificial in preparing me for college life. Eventhough this class is going to be hard, and make me mad at times, I think that it will help me in the long run.

Levi said...

1) Unique... I work at the Laundromat 6 days a week after school and on Saturday.
2) I would like to learn about President Grover Cleveland, Missouri, and Tennessee.
3) I chose to take AP United States History because I wanted to take the highest level classes I could this year.

LaDonna said...

1) Something Unique about me would be that I am comepletely absorbed into music, I sing all the time, and would love to do it for a profession if the offer was ever established.
2)I agree with Stephanie I want to memorize the presidents well maybe not all of them but atleast hear about them because I haven't even heard of some of them.
3)I chose to take this course because I know I am capable of taking the next step and with this class, I will be making myself a more prpared student fro college.

Dillon Todd said...

1) Well for me, I can play 3 instruments. Trumpet, Clarinet, and Violin. i also don't really talk a lot, i keep things to myself. As you get to know me, i will open up more to you.

2) I would like to learn more about how things came to be as there are today. And to know if like one thing changed, how would that have impacted us today? That is one thing i have always wondered.

3)I chose this class because i like to push myself and to see what i can do. I know that if i push, i have a better chance to do the things that i want to.

Anonymous said...

1)Something unique about me is that I am an artist, I can paint, draw, and play the piano. I am also a very organized person.
2)Something that I would like to learn this year is more about the civil war, in all of my past history classes we have never studied this war in depth.
3)I chose to take AP Us History because I wanted to get a jumpstart on college.I know this class will be hard, but I believe that I will make it through, and be glad that I took it in the long run.

Savannah said...

1) Something unique about me is that I've never met anyone that had the same belly button as me. I know, that is kind of weird. Oh and Stephanie most definitely looks at peoples ears!!!

2) I would like to learn more about the US involvement is World War II. I know it was a critical time in our history, but i would like to take my understanding to the next level.

3)I chose to take AP US History because I want to major in history. My dream job is to one day work overseas in Europe at a museum and tell people about the Holocaust. I figured that if I want to major in history, I might as well get a jump-start!

Brittany Phillips said...

This is Brittany :)
1) I guess something unique about me is i like to make jewlry. ive been doing it for a long time and over time ive become really good at it.
2) I want to learn more about slavery. Its one thing i am really interested in and i would like to learn more about. Also i would like to know all the presidents because I think it will help me later on in college.
3) I chose APUSH for two reasons. One: Because I wanted to have the experience of a college class so i will be prepared. Two: Its required for the College Prep Diploma so i needed this class order to get it.

Anonymous said...
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Cathy said...

1. I am unique (in fact I believe each of are unique) because I play oboe, have traveled to four countries outside of the US, and I am the only senior in our APUSH class!
2. Since I took Adv US History last year, this year I really want to learn about the decisions made in the US before the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. I also really like the 1920s era, because of the erruption of Jazz and Ragtime.
3. My main reason for taking APUSH this year is because I need it to achieve my goal of the Commonwealth Diploma, but I also chose to take this class because I want to push myself. It's just an added bonus that I like Mrs. Vince! :)

Kaila said...

1) I'm unique because i cannot function without a list and I'm a horrible speller
2)I would like to learn about what really happened during Nixons presedency because I'm very much into conpeiracy
3) I took APUSH because it would be less money i have to pay when i go to college

Hannah said...

1)Something unique about me is i love sports and history alot. I've always enjoyed learning about past events. And gymnastics and volleyball are so much fun to learn.
2)Something i would really like to learn about this year is president Lincoln and the Civil War becouse i enjoy that time period so much. The conflicting issues in that war are incredablly interesting i would like to learn as much as i can in that area.
3) i choose to take apush simply becouse i love history and learning about all the neat and exciting events that have taken place over the years since our country first became a country. It has so far in my history classes been really fun and amazing. Work for this class may be hard yet enjoyable to do becouse i'm learning about my favorate subject.

Mandy. :) said...

1.) Something unique about me is that i'm a grammar nerd. I don't even like when people say 'U' instead of You. Gahh!
2.) Something I would like to learn about this year is WWII. We barely covered it last year and i think it's interesting, it's a human relations thing.
3.) I took APUSH because it's required. I want a college prep diploma, and the college credit would be nice, but it sounds like it will be hard to pass!

Matthew said...

1. One unique thing could be I have to fully type out every word I use.
2. I would love to learn if snipers truly originated during the American Revolution.
3. I took Advance Placement United States History because it will help me in the future.(College)

Veronica Suggs ;-) said...

1) i am unique because i'm adopted but everyone already knows that so...i really like thundrstorms, i like to watch them. (and stephanie will most definitely stare at you till she gets used to you)
2)i would like to learn more about the pioneers treck west, i always hear about it from a church viewpoint and i want to hear it from someone not mormon.
3) i took APUSH because i want to get as much college credit as i can while i'm in highschool. Its cheaper and probably easier.

Shelby said...

1. Something unique about me might be that I love reading. Most people don't enjoy it but it's definatley something I'm always doing in my spare time.
2. History isn't really my strength in acedemics so I'm not sure what I'm wanting to learn this year through the class. Probably just a better appriciation for our world's past history and the domino effect of how certain events in the past have affected our world today.
3. I chose this class because of the college credit I would get by passing the AP U.S. History test at the end of the year. Preparing for college as soon as possible is going to benefit me in the long run.

Anonymous said...

1) i work at a hunting perserve 7 days a week and its right behide my house.
2) i would love to learn about world war 2 more indepth
3) i chose to take apush because all my other classes were not a challenge
this is highfil