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This blog is an open forum for CCHS AP US History students. There will be an official posting each week for each student to respond. However, you may also post other information and questions you have concerning AP US History or CCHS.
No I don't think that the decisions made under the leadership of John Marshall gave the federal government to much power. The Supreme court was basically established to determine whether a law was constitutional, and if someones rights were harmed.
During the Articles of Confederation the federal government had little power, but with the new constitution they needed enough power to lead the people and enforce their laws, or what use was a federal government? Before John Marshall, there was no judicial review,and no power to enforce their rulings.
I don't think that it is appropriate that someone elected should have such power, but that is also why the system of checks and balances was established. So that one person couldn't become to powerful, and more like a dictator.
No, the decisions made by John Marshall didn't give the Federal government too much power. His decisions helped to cement the nation by tying the states closer together by using the Federal government as the string. The states wanted to bicker and fight over tariffs, taxes etc., but John Marshall gave the Federal government the powers needed to force them into unity.
Yes I do believe that he should have had the power he did to shape the laws of the country. John Marshall was nominated by John Adams and approved by the Senate to be the Chief Justice, so he was put in his position by people who were voted into their positions. This should give him the full power of a person who was elected to a position, since the people voted him in by voting for the people who put John Marshall into the Chief Justice's chair.
No I don't think that John Marshalls's decisions gave the federal government too much power, because the federal government needed that power to provide unity and peace for the states. He did a good thing for the U.S. for establishing the Supreme court to monitor the laws passed; to make sure they were constitutional and necessary to protect the people.
I agree with levi that he did have the right to make the decisions he did. Eventhouhg his papers for nomination didn't reach him before midnight he was nominated and righfully elected by someone who was elcted by the people to choose.
I dont think the decisions made under john marshall extended federal power at all. It was actually decreasing as time went on due to the Articles of Confederation. Marshall tried to bring about some federal power to something that was lacking it. like casey said the Constition and john marshall made a great contribution to extend federal power but not too much.
I dont think someone who was elected should have tremendous amount of power. its like the annoying guy no one likes having control over everything you do and how you do it. for one its not fair and two its just annoying. Besides if it is such power as that it should be held by someone who was elected by the people...someone they know and trust to make the right decisions
No. The decisions that John Marshall made did not give the federal government to much power. The government didn't really have much power in the first place. But they could find somethings unconstitutional.
But under all that we realized that there needed to be changes. So we came up with the checks and balances to stabilize the government to make sure that no one has to much power.
Under John Marshall i do not believe that the Supreme Court extended any federal power. I with Maynard that he did do good for the people by establishing the Supreme Court and favor protection over the people and their rights.
I think someone who was not elected should have a lot of power in the say of our government and our laws. We do elect our represenitives and such to make our views known for us but i think that we must speak out as well if we want change. This country is based on repersentation for it's people that doesn't mean that we have to loose our voices and not speak out for what we want to see in our government happen.
As much as I hate to just agree with everyone, I believe that I must agree. At the time, people were afraid that John Marshall was giving the federal government too much power. In retrospect though, I believe John Marshall brought about the changes our federal government needed.
At times, John Marshall may have been out of his area of reign, but since he brought about such great achievements, I will forgive him. His power also brought to the surface a need for checks and balances.
I don't think John Marshall extended the federal power too much. He made a necessary change, where the supreme court could deem the presidents decisions unconstitutional. This made sure the federal government didn't have too much power. Also, it doesn't really matter that he wasn't elected. If he had the courage to speak out and make some changes then good for him. He shaped our gov't for the better.
i must agree with everyone so far. i believe that yes the federal goverment should have some power but not to much or else the scales wouldnt be level. But the judicial reveiw did keep the presedent, senate and house from breacking any constituanal boundries so in essesnce them having federal power is a good thing. and the judicial reveiw isnt really an issue of the federal goverment having more power but rather it helps interpreate the law so that the president house and senate arnt allowed to misuse their power.
No, I don't think it was. I believe that someone who wasn't elected shouldn't have very much power at all. The reason being that their opinion might not be best for the people and it may be benefiting only the people/class he likes. Whereas someone that was elected by the people for the people, will know how much the citizens need them and hopefully they will do everything in their power to meet the people's demands.
No i don't think that the Supreme Court decisions under John Marshall's leadership extended federal power too much. I think it is a good check that the Supreme Court can say no this law isn't constitutional or yes it is. I think it makes our country more united to have one government, instead of each little state running their own way of government. Yes i think it is appropriate for someone who isn't elected to have power. But we do have checks and balances now to even out the power.
I dont think that court decisions under John Marshalls leadership extended federal power too much. The right to declare a bill unconstitutional was needed and John Marshall helped the Supreme court by monitoring new laws. The suprem court was established to protect the people and more federal power meant less state power and more unity among the people.
I dont think it is appropriate to give power to someone who is not elected. The people should be able to choose the people in power because they are defending the people. The citizens need the right to elect people who they know and trust. Even if John Marshall helped to shape the countrys laws the people should have had more say in the matter which would have united the nation.
I think John Marshall made a necessary change,and extended the federal power but not to a point where it has to much power. because of the Articles of Confederation the government was weak and needed a boost in its power to protect the people. i belive that we needed a man like John Marshall and just because his papers didn't reach him in time is not a good reason to not listen to his ideas because one man can change the world
I don't think that John Marshall gave the federal government to much power the government needed that power to protect its people he also tryed to bring the states closer with his ideas. which the Articles of Confederation failed to do. it doesn't matter it my opinion if he was elected he saw that a change was needed and then had the courage to stand up and make that change happen and thats more then most people do in the whole lives.
No i dont think this gave john marshall too much power. this was all about the checks and balances system and without this the government itself would be too powerful.Yes, because even though he wasnt elected he should still have a say. Just like we still have a say even though were not elected officials.
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