Thursday, October 8, 2009
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This blog is an open forum for CCHS AP US History students. There will be an official posting each week for each student to respond. However, you may also post other information and questions you have concerning AP US History or CCHS.
Political parties came about through the disagreement of Thomas Jefferson, an anti-federlist for states rights, and Alexander Hamiliton, a federalist for national government when they both ran for the postion of president. Both had very different veiws and ideas on governing and how that they should lead the people and our newly found nation. This lead us into a gain of seperate political parties with very seperate veiws. They came to be expected a legitmate way of expressing politcal dissagreement becouse, i tihnk, it kept the tension to a minium and would help create a more civil way of disagreing that would keep more order and less violence in the government. I think that political parties were veiwed as dangerous becouse the Founding Fathers believed that it would split the nation in two, divide the people, and cause too much tension between the parties of opposit veiws. My opinion of partisan politics today is that i believe it to be a good and just way of dealing with politics and all the seperate ideas and opinion's that it arouses in people and their certian beliefs about how the government should be run. Everyone has a seperate idea of how they think things should be and no one will wholey agree with another. But by grouping people into seperate political parties it allows the people to express themselves with other's who agree with their beliefs as well and keeps flaring tensions down.
Political parties were viewed as being dangerous by the founding fathers, because it seperated the nation. With a seperated, the country became weaker, with disagreement, and at this time they could not afford to be weakened. As Hannah said political parties came through the disagreement of Thomas Jefferson, the antifederalist, and Alexander Hamiliton, the federalist. Both people had a different idea about how the goverenment should be ran. These ideas seperated them into the two parties antifederlist and federlist. These parties were ligitmate ways to express political disagreements without duels, and open disputes between people, as Hannah said "it was a more civil way of disagreeing." I think that the founding fathers were correct that in creating political parties it divides the nation, but I also think that it alows us to express ourselves without violence, and in a civil way.
The founding fathers didn't want standing political parties because they feared that it would cause too much opposition to government, and it could possibly tear apart the country they had worked to form. They came into effect because the Anti-federalists who support Jefferson differed so much from the Federalists. The people greatly disliked Hamilton's reducing of the state's rights, and opposed him and supported Jefferson. Federalists supported Hamilton and became the Federalists, anti-federalists supported Jefferson and became the Democrat-Republicans. The party system is a legitimate way to express political opinions, because the people choose the party in power, and a party is stronger than a small faction. The party that is not in office at the moment also poses a threat to the in-party every election.
I do not agree with the parties today. They are too jaded against each other, Republicans vs. Democrats, they are mostly progressive. We need another party or two that is anti-progressive so we can have some real opposition in Congress, rather than the partisanship we have today.
Since becoming a united nation was such a difficult task to achieve, the Founding Fathers did not want or need something to make things worse. Political parties came about due to some people wanting a strong central government (federalists) and others wanting the power to be in the states (anti-federalists). This was a legitimate way to express political disagreement because this way there would be less violence and you could choose which party you want to support.
I believe the political parties nowadays are so concerned about bashing one another that they aren't focusing so much on the people and the government; there are a few exceptions to this but usually that is their main concern most of the time.
Forming a new nation can be a tricky business. In America, there were many different people from seperate backgrounds with some unique beliefs. The idea of political parties came about because of the beliefs of the people. It is a natural occurence for people to group themselves according to their similarities. At first, the parties were viewed as dangerous because it was feared that they would seperate the infant country. Later though, people accepted that this way of grouping was natural. Today, I do think we need parties, but there are so many people in America that the idea of pre-set parties is inhibiting at times. There is a lot of tension between parties and sometimes within the parties. Also the pre-set parties cause people to not think about what they really believe. Instead voters will vote for what they are registered and give no second though to it. The parties have taken away some of America's independent thought and individuality.
Political parties created a divide among a newly formed nation that wasn't quite ready to be divided. The founding fathers had just established unity among their citizens and weren't about to let them start so many disagreements.
Parties came about because people do have differing views, they see things differently and we needed a label for that. Parties gave 'federalist' and 'anti-federalist' a new name. a new identity. We accepted them as such because it was the simplest thing to do. The Citizens agreed to disagree. i agree with Hannah here, it kept tension to a minimum.
Politics today, in my opinion, are flat out screwy for a lack of a better word. with all the different ideas and opinions floating around we have a serios need for people to be able to easily describe that. But when you really stand back and look, democrat, republican, green, independant WHATEVER, means the same thing; Political party. they usually only disagree on trivial things, but it's what sets people apart from each other. i think religious views, upbringing, social status etc. have more bearing on people's thoughts than their political stance does.
Political Parties were formed when the federalist Hamilton and the federalist Jefferson had very diverse way of running the nation. Jefferson and his supporters were for things such as state governments and a bill of rights, as for Hamilton he and his supporters wanted a central government and seperation of church and state. Because of these different views two political parties were formed the federalists and the antifederalists. This worried the founding fathers because it seperated our nation which would make it weaker and not united as one. Political parties were finally viewed as a legitimate way because it was a civil way to dipute political ideas. This would be a peaceful way and would decrease the amount of physical wars among the people.
Today i think having political parties are not doing there job all the people see are commercials bashing the opponent and the parties are more focussed on the bad that they dont focus on the good things the candidates have done. These political campigns tricks the people into voting for someone just because they think the opponent hasnt done any good. Campigns given by each parties should be focussing on what the candidate will do for the country instead of taking done the opponent.Thats why we shouldnt have parties we should only be independent and express our individuality.
Political Parties were formed when the federalist Hamilton and the federalist Jefferson had very diverse way of running the nation. Jefferson and his supporters were for things such as state governments and a bill of rights, as for Hamilton he and his supporters wanted a central government and seperation of church and state. Because of these different views two political parties were formed the federalists and the antifederalists. This worried the founding fathers because it seperated our nation which would make it weaker and not united as one. Political parties were finally viewed as a legitimate way because it was a civil way to dipute political ideas. This would be a peaceful way and would decrease the amount of physical wars among the people.
Today i think having political parties are not doing there job all the people see are commercials bashing the opponent and the parties are more focussed on the bad that they dont focus on the good things the candidates have done. These political campigns tricks the people into voting for someone just because they think the opponent hasnt done any good. Campigns given by each parties should be focussing on what the candidate will do for the country instead of taking done the opponent.Thats why we shouldnt have parties we should only be independent and express our individuality.
The founding father's such as George Washington advised against political parties because they felt that it would cause division among people in the new nation. Like Levi said they felt it cause to much opposition to government, and like Casey stated standing parties would cause alot f disagrement. Like Hannah pointed out the parties came into being through the dissagreement between the anti- federalists Thomas Jefferson and the federalists Alexander Hamiliton, this oppostion to one another came up when they both ran for president and had differing views on how the country should be ran. They came to be accepted as a legitimate way to express political dissagreement in a civil manner, it allows citizens to peacefully express their views about government. I agree with what Stephanie pointed out about our government today, about how the parties focus on bashing their opponet and not about their job so much.
Political parties were dangerous because they created tension between people and caused others to get mad. Some political parties came about when Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamiliton ran for president. they both had different views on things and so they created these parties to explain them selves. After that more parties were put together as a way of explaining your views.
I do not agree with them as they are. But if people would just join a party to explain what they believe in, then it wouldn't be as bad as it is. But people put to much into it and created this monster. So the way the parties are now, No i do not agree with them.
I think teh parties were viewed as dangerous because they disunify teh people and they knew that would lead to conflict. Also they wanted the election to be about values and not what party you are. The parties were started by disagreements. They are peaceful and simple ways of expressing yourviews. I think they are a good way to affiliate with those who share your beliefs but there shoudnt be as much ephasis put on them as there is.
Political Parties were seen as dangerous because of the divide it would cause in the new nation. the parties came about due to a disagreement on how the nation should be run. they became legitimate because the founding fathers were part of the parties and the people followed the lead. i think you should vote for the best person for the job regardless of their political party.
I think they were viewed dangerous because they felt this would be seperating the country as a whole.They came in to being because different people had different opinions about certain subjects. If you just seperated the people into who believed what then you were making it where people wouldnt have to come to one decision saving a lot of fighting. I think today these parties ahve been taken to a different level, because there are sooo many parties. But this is a good thing because there are more people in the world and therefore more opinions.
The founding fathers did view the political parties as very dangerous. John Adams thought it would tear the unity apart that all of the fathers had worked so hard to achieve all these years. The parties did come about through the disagreement of Federalist Thomas Jefferson and Anti- Federalist Alexander Hamilton. I think that they are legitimate ways to express political disagreemtent because everyone does have different opinions about politics. And if everyone agreed, we wouldn't need the parties, But we don't live in a perfect world. I think that parties today do serve a purpose. Because both Republican and Democrats typically stand for a purpose that each and every one in the US agrees with. And if not, there are tons of other political parties.
Political parties were viewed as being dangerous by the founding fathers because of the unrest it would cause in the new nation. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had very different ideas about how the government of our newly found nation should be ran. Thus leading to the formation of political parties with separate goals. They came to be expected a legitimate way of expressing political disagreement because the people can choose the party that will gain power, and a party as a whole can get more accomplished then an individual. I think that parties today do serve a purpose. they are a group of people that believe the something you do and you all work together to achieve your goal.
Political parties were viewed so dangerous because the Founding Fathers might have believed that the "factions" could separate the states as a whole. They came into existence because of the quarreling between Hamilton (Federalists) and Jefferson (anti-Federalists). They're accepted because it shows who/what you believe in and who else agrees with you and your opinion. My opinion is that the Republican and Democratic party is to dominating.
the parties were dangerous b/c the nation had only just gotten over other issues that the population were divided on. (amarican revolution, shays rebellion, writing of the constitution) it was dangorous because amarica didnt need another thing to be fighting over. this kind of political dis agreement was feared to lead to a split of the nation.
the parties were formed to support a canddit for president/representative/senate/ect positions people with similr ideas can together to spport thier common cause or to protest a common thing. i think it was leagal because the only other way amaricans knew how to show their unhappyness was to revolt and cause a rukus lol. ths was just the better of two evils. personally i think its okay for their to be two parties but i think that they waste to much money on premotng thir cause then actually causing somthing to happen. all hot air and tall tails. i also think its very uncomly for parties to bash each other on commersials cause lets face it i wold never vote for a mean gossip. i also feel the democratic and republic parties are monopolizing what can be done in amarican goverment. no new ideas or point of views are being put out or come across. i believe it should not be the wealthy parties controling the gov. but the most qualified at leading and the smartest that should lead. not the guy who dishes out the most for a 30 commersal promising somethign they wont deliver.
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