Monday, March 22, 2010

The 1950s -- due March 26

Was the 1950s a time of American triumph abroad ad affluence at home, or was it a period that actually suppressed many problems of race, women's roles and cultural conformity? Explain.


kmaynard said...

I do believe that the 1950s was a time of American triumph abroad and at home. In the summer of 1953 an armistice ending the Korean War and keeping communism contained within North Korea. We exploded our first hydrogen bomb in 1952. Social Security was extended in 1954 and 1956 to an additional 10 million people. In 1954 the Atomic Energy Act allowed the construction of private nuclear power to supply more areas. In 1954 the government began financing farm surpluses to help the poor. IN 1954 "Ike" employed millions of men to build highways under the Public Works. In 1958 we began shooting for the stars by establishing NASA. In 1959 The Landrum- Griffin Labor-Management Act tried to control unfair union practices. In 1955 Brown vs. Board of Education, 1957 Little Rock, 1957 Civil Rights Act, 1959 federal courts ended states giving funds to integrated schools. Many good things as you can see occurred during the 1950's.

bowman. said...

It can be looked at both ways. Men cam home celebrating the war only to find out the women had taken over the work force. When they couldn't find jobs, the military sent them to college so they could rise in the business industry. Blacks were still seen the same, segration still existed and whites still took advantage of that.

Levi said...

The 1950's were a time of stagnation and fear in the US. After coming out of the war, the US feared returning to the pre-war depression, and was reluctant to try new things and be bold. Also with the end of the war came the start of the Cold war between Democracy and Communism. America could try to contain communism, but could not outright destroy it, because to attempt it would cause nuclear holocaust. Politicians also had to be careful, lest they lose their good public opinion, and so the major issues were mostly ignored. However, one branch did tackle the big issue of segregation, the one branch that has a life term. The Supreme Court ruled 'separate but equal' unconstitutional. The 1950's wasn't a total stagnation of government, just the ones that had to worry about re-election.

Anonymous said...

The 1950s were a time of renewal for the United States. It was a time when we restated foreign connections, even though some became negative. There were many conflicts abroad, including the standoff between Russia and the US involving the nuclear weaponry. At home, though, we continued to advance. Schools were improved and jobs were given under the Public Works. We attempted and did send a satellite to space. There was still a lot of tension between races, but attention was being placed on this issue in hopes of lessening it.

*And don't forget that during the 1950s, McDonalds first began using frozen fries. (Just a little tidbit from APEng4 for you) :)

Brittany said...

I think it can be seen both ways. Women were becoming more industialized, men had the opportunity to go to college, and we were bettering our technology. We learned how to construct a hydro bomb and sent someone to the moon, so i say that that part was successful. As for race many still didn't treat african americans as they should have but the cas Brown vs. Board of education opened the door for integrated schools. So i believe there was a up and a down side to this time in american history.

huntkd1 said...


Mandy said...

I think that the 1950's was a time of triumph for the united states. We had finally escaped the effects of the depression, we were integrating women into the workforce, the civil rights movement was on the rise. Social security reforms were being put in place, public works project to build interstate highways for militant use were underway. A lot of the things we have taken for granted during our lifetime were began during the 50's, and shaped American culture thereafter.

hannah said...

yeah this thingy actually worked!!!!!!!!!! :)

dillon said...

I agree with Maynard in saying that it was a time of American triumph. The U.S. was having a good time with everything they were doing. We did have a lot of our acts reformed to work better and we had a major break through with our sciences and the bomb.

Stephanie said...

I believe the 1950s was a time when many of the problems at home with race, culture, and women's roles were suppressed. Considering that the U.S. had gotten out of a war in 1945 and nuclear war was in the air, there were more concerns about staying alive and there was more fear of communists countries (U.S.S.R). With those ongoing problems, a person's rights or culture didn't really seem to matter that much. I'm not saying things didn't happen for those people wanting equal rights and desegregation but it just seemed to take a backseat to the fear of communism.

Veronica Tielynn ;-) said...

I think this time was a period that actually suppresed many problems. On the surface, it may seem like it was a time of prosperity but in reality there were many things going on that were problems. In this period there were many racical issues that were covered up as our governtmwnt ignored them rather than attempt to fix them. Also, there were many counrties jumping on the communist bandwagon. This caused threats to the US and try as we might, they country could really do nothing to stop this spread. People began to question the government more than ever, and this decade preceded the 60s which was a decade of rebelllion. The 50s had many issues.

Unknown said...

I believe that the 1950's was a time of triumph because of all the things we were doing as a nation like when we used the first hydrogen bomb it showed the world that the United States was not to be messed with and because of this the Korean War was ended shortly after and because the War ended we and won a battle against communism and the US moraly was boosted

Anonymous said...
