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This blog is an open forum for CCHS AP US History students. There will be an official posting each week for each student to respond. However, you may also post other information and questions you have concerning AP US History or CCHS.
The only one of his personal achievements that would come close to making up for his Watergate scandal would be the SALT1 with the USSR. Though the outcome of the Watergate affair wasn't truly an accomplishment of Nixon, it was an accomplishment of the government during his presidency. He proved that the impeachment, trial, and removing from office truly worked, that the people of the US could remove a bad leader civilly and legally, even though he was never impeached.
Nixon's presidency should be remembered by staunchness in policy and commitment to helping relations between countries, no matter what they believed in. This must also be remembered with the blight of his handling of the Watergate affair, how his bad decisions led to his near impeachment.
Watergate, to me, seemed like it was overdone, through Nixons involvement at least. Nixon technically didn't do anything but try not to get into trouble. He was persecuted like he personally went in with a ski mask and stole top secret files, which wasn't the case. Sure, he covered his own tail and the people who really did it, but as I see it, he was slandered. SALT I was a great achievment he made, as Levi said. He tried to stop the nuclear weaponry explosion, and save lives that could've been taken if everyone started blowing up a bunch of nukes.
The fact that Nixon admitted to his crimes, stepped down and got out of the way was punishment enough. History should remember him as the guy who tried to help foreign policy, not the hamburgler.
P.s. I dont know why my name is showing up as Mandiirae, but it is. So hello everyone, I'm the weirdo that somehow brought back my nickname from freshman year. No my name doesn't really have any I's. -Mandy
i agree with mandy that the whole watergate thing gets blown out of proportion Nixon did not even know it was happening. what i did do wrong was he tryed to cover it up and like levi said the only thing that is close to making up for it is the Salt 1 but he still did not do a great job as president and his achievements did not compensate for his failures.
I definatly agree with Mandy, i believe like she does that Nixons involvement was blown out of proportion. Nixon was not the one that broke into the Democratic files, yes he made a mistake when he tried to hied the tapes and coverup their tracks, but hes only human. I think that Nixon yes needed to resign but I think he should also be regonized for his accomplishments. Eventually he saw to the end of the Vietnam war negotiating ceasefire and the end to American involvement in 1973. In 1972 he opened dimplomatic relations with China. Like Levi pointed out he iniated the Salt1, which was a anitballistic treaty. Nixon also was over detente. Nixon wasn't a great president but he shouldn't be recorded as a terrible one either.
I also agree with Mandy and Maynard, that the involvement of Nixon in the Watergate Scandal was blown hugely out of proportion. Yes, I believe that he was wrong to cover up the scandal after he found out, but he also made a lot of achievements while he was in office. He brought about a cease fire between the Arabs and the Israeli's. He was the first to move the United States away from "policing the world", and began to withdrawl costly troops from Vietnam. He also tried to make peace agreements with Russia, and reduce armnaments with SALT1. He was the first to visit China and accutualy regonize it. He also cooled the fire of the Cold War. Like Levi said, I don't believe that he was the best president, but he did try to help America, and he shouldn't just be rememebered for his scandal but his accomplishments also.
I don't really think that any of achievements make up for Watergate. I believe this because he found out about it and let it go on still. Showing what kind of a man he really was, Nixon let people of his {or any other] political party break laws and acted like it never happened. It did happen, thats why he was impeached. Letting something like that is not easily excused.
ps: this is lisa bowman
I don't think that any of Nixon's achievements could compensate for what happened at Watergate. Though he tried to help our foreign policy he did not tell neither Congress nor the public about the dealings. The fact that he did not try to investigate the illegal dealings that were going on was irresponsible on his part. As our nations leader he should have tried harder to make right what was going on. Our nations leader must be accountable and dependable and be able to show their good leadership in times when they matter most. Nixon covered up these things and showed irresponsibility as a president. We depend on them to always do the right thing and to be honest in their dealings because they are the ones who lead us. For that reason i think that Nixon should be remembered for his crimes.
People tend to remember the bad things a person has done or said instead of their many accomplishments and good deeds. That being the case, yes Nixon could be remembered for his better accomplishments instead of the Watergate crime, but it is very unlikely. Even though Nixon just covered up the incident it still hurt him. Because if you think about it, what other things could he have covered up that we don't know about. Nixon did do a great job at boosting foreign policy, so that would be the only achievement that i believe would come close to compensating his cover-up.
History shouldn't be about a person's bad decisions but the good and bad. Not many people remember Nixon as a great president but they associate him with the Watergate crime.
i would have to agree with Mandy. Yeah Nixon did look guilty with corrupting the files, but he was only trying to protect himself. Most of us would have done the same thing. Nixon did do a lot of good things during his presidency, and i would have to agree with Steph in saying that people do only remember the bad things someone has done. But then you have to look beyond that and see what good things he has done. His policies and his way of making forgien contries more open to the United States.
I agree with stephanie when saying most presidents are just known for their bad decisions, but i believe Nixon did make up for the Watergate through other achievements. Like others have mentioned SALT1 with the Soviet Union was a great accomplishment. Nixon put a stop to the nuclear weapons being made by Russia, well he atleast kept them from using them on the U.S. Nixon was great with foreign affairs, yet still people see the scandal, which really damaged his political standing. This one bad decision did lead to Nixon almost impeachment, but he is human and humans make mistakes. We should remember presidents for their accomplishments and not their downfalls.
Nixon worked hard to achieve peace between us and the communist countries. He worked miracles for the cold war and foriegn relations. He wasn't a bad president just because of the Watergate scandal, that just made him look bad. Really, the whole thing wasnt even his fault. He just tried to cover for his friends.
"Nixonian diplomacy brought about a cease-fire and negotiations between Arabs and Israelis, and the best chance for a peaceful settlement in Israel's 25-year history. By the time Nixon left office, he had moved the world a giant step closer to his dream of a "new generation of peace." None of the scandals of his Administration can obscure the glow of this monumental achievement. "
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